Procedure design and related aeronautical services
Since the early 2000s consulting and associated legal support in aeronautics as well as general aviation aircraft operations have been major part of our company's activities. As tasks historically attributed to national ANSPs were opened for private subjects, the procedure design department has been established. Several projects in related fields have been commenced or already terminated since then. Current activities on the national level include:
Instrument flight procedures for rotary wing aircraft
Our company has been since mid 2014 till end 2017 in cooperation with the Czech Technical University coordinating another project which is supported by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (Program Alfa, Sustainable Transportation). This research and development project has been recognized as revolutionary and progressive idea in the field of procedure design and operation of helicopters under IFR both in the Czech Republic just as abroad. Other entities such as Center of Aeronautical Medicine in Prague and Air Navigation Institute from Switzerland contributed to the complexity of our asignment. HEMS operators joined our activities in the upcoming years.
Executive Summary:
The purpose of this project is HEMS operation to hospital heliports in adverse meteorological conditions. This goal has been achieved by meeting individual targets in each period in accordance with the scheduled workplan. Helicopter infrastructure to model heliports have been constructed during the first period. Following works had been performed beforehand:
Determination of key technical parameters (airspace characteristics, heliport parameters, legal scope, HEMS helicopters, influence on patients). Construction of arrival, approach, missed approach, and departure procedures using points in space based on GNSS followed i.e. design of descent gradients and lateral guidance. This infrastructure have been optimized during test operations so that it could later be validated.
The second period was represented by test operation leading towards validation for specific and adequately qualified HEMS operators. By terminating test operation we understand the phase of theoretical and practical verification of construction of the subsystem of instrument procedures and creation of controlled zone oudside the airport for model heliports.
Afterwards we were able to determine applicability of instrument flight procedures in congested areas, set limitation for operations/minimum values, which - in the final period of this project - lead us towards creation and implementation of certified methodology for helicopter operations to HEMS heliports in congested areas.
Progressive Flight Procedures
Together with our consortia partners Vodochody Airport - Letiste Vodochody a.s. and Ekola group spol. s r. o. in 2010 we submitted application to the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic for assessment in order to obtain public funding through its programme ALFA supporting projects of applied research and experimental development, sub-programme "Sustainable development of transportation" (development of infrastructure, telematics, and energy efficient, environmentally friendly and safe transportation). Since the proposal was evaluated as successful, the project "Development of progressive instrument flight procedures" has been executed in its full scope between 2011 and 2013. Total resources including public procurement to be committed towards project no. TA01031868 equal the amount of CZK 10.535K. Starting 2014 we have advanced into the implementation phase focusing on development of IFR infrastructure at other GA and regional airfields in the Czech Republic. Stay tuned for more info. Executive Summary: Based on the results of current noise contamination in congested and populated areas with an outlook to the future while adhering to the existing procedures, several options of departure and arrival maneuvers has been plotted in a way to optimize or eliminate noise exposure. The design of the complex IFR sub-system in terminal area has been developed using GNSS signal and other innovative tools within the ICAO PBN concept. |
Our certification according to ICAO standards